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The Seven Deadly Sins: How to Recognize and Overcome Them

Seven Deadly Sins: What Are They and How to Avoid Them

Have you ever heard of the seven deadly sins? They are a list of vices that have been considered by many Christian traditions as the root of all evil. They are also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, because they lead to other sins and immoral behaviors. But what are they exactly, and why are they so dangerous? And more importantly, how can we avoid them and live a virtuous life?

seven deadly sins


What are the seven deadly sins?

The seven deadly sins are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. They are not directly mentioned in the Bible, but they are based on various biblical passages that condemn them. For example, Proverbs 6:16-19 lists seven things that God hates, which are similar to the seven deadly sins. The concept of the seven deadly sins was developed by early Christian monks, especially Evagrius Ponticus, who classified eight evil thoughts that tempt humans. Later, Pope Gregory I reduced them to seven, and St. Thomas Aquinas elaborated on them in his Summa Theologica.

Why are they called deadly?

The seven deadly sins are called deadly because they can cause spiritual death, or separation from God. They are also called mortal sins, because they destroy the grace that God gives us through baptism. If we die in a state of mortal sin, without repenting and receiving God's forgiveness, we will be eternally separated from him in hell. Therefore, it is very important to confess our sins regularly and receive God's mercy.

How do they affect our lives and relationships?

The seven deadly sins not only harm our relationship with God, but also with ourselves and others. They distort our natural faculties and passions, making us selfish, unhappy, and unfulfilled. They also damage our social harmony, causing conflicts, divisions, and injustices. For example, pride makes us arrogant and disrespectful; greed makes us greedy and dishonest; lust makes us impure and unfaithful; envy makes us resentful and bitter; gluttony makes us wasteful and unhealthy; wrath makes us violent and vengeful; sloth makes us lazy and irresponsible.

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The Seven Deadly Sins and Their Opposite Virtues

The good news is that we can overcome the seven deadly sins by practicing the opposite virtues. A virtue is a good habit that helps us to act according to reason and faith. The Catholic Church teaches that there are seven cardinal virtues, which are divided into four cardinal virtues (prudence, justice, fortitude, and temperance) and three theological virtues (faith, hope, and charity). These virtues help us to live a moral life and to grow in holiness. Let's see how each virtue can help us to overcome the corresponding deadly sin.

Pride and Humility

Definition and examples of pride

Pride is an excessive love of oneself or one's own excellence. It is also called vanity or arrogance. Pride makes us think that we are better than others, that we deserve more than others, and that we do not need God or others. Pride makes us boastful, presumptuous, and contemptuous. Some examples of pride are: refusing to admit our mistakes or ask for help, looking down on others or judging them harshly, taking credit for what belongs to God or others, being stubborn or rebellious, and disobeying God's commandments.

Definition and examples of humility

Humility is the virtue that recognizes the truth about ourselves and our dependence on God. It is also called modesty or meekness. Humility makes us aware of our limitations, weaknesses, and sins, but also of our dignity, gifts, and potential as children of God. Humility makes us grateful, respectful, and obedient. Some examples of humility are: acknowledging our faults and asking for forgiveness, seeking God's will and guidance, giving thanks and praise to God and others, being open to learn from others and accept criticism, and serving God and others with love.

How to practice humility and overcome pride

To practice humility and overcome pride, we can do the following:

  • Pray daily and ask God for the grace to be humble.

  • Read the Bible and meditate on the examples of humble people, such as Mary, Joseph, Moses, David, John the Baptist, and Jesus himself.

  • Examine our conscience regularly and confess our sins of pride.

  • Practice self-denial and mortification, such as fasting, almsgiving, and penance.

  • Avoid comparing ourselves with others or seeking human praise.

  • Compliment others sincerely and celebrate their achievements.

  • Listen to others attentively and empathetically.

  • Obey God's law and the legitimate authorities.

  • Offer our work and sufferings to God.

  • Seek to serve others rather than to be served.

Greed and Charity

Definition and examples of greed

Greed is an excessive desire for material wealth or possessions. It is also called avarice or covetousness. Greed makes us attach ourselves to earthly goods more than to God and our eternal destiny. Greed makes us selfish, stingy, and dishonest. Some examples of greed are: hoarding money or goods without sharing them with those in need, stealing or cheating to gain more wealth or power, being discontent or envious of what others have, being wasteful or irresponsible with our resources, and neglecting our spiritual duties for worldly pursuits.

Definition and examples of charity

Charity is the virtue that enables us to love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves. It is also called love or caritas. Charity makes us detach ourselves from earthly goods and to use them for God's glory and the common good. Charity makes us generous, kind, and honest. Some examples of charity are: giving tithes and offerings to the Church and the poor, being content and grateful for what we have, rejoicing with those who rejoice and weeping with those who weep, being faithful and responsible with our talents and duties, and praying for God and our neighbor.

How to practice charity and overcome greed

To practice charity and overcome greed, we can do the following:

  • Pray daily and ask God for the grace to love him and our neighbor.

  • Read the Bible and meditate on the examples of charitable people, such as Abraham, Ruth, Esther, Job, the Good Samaritan, and the early Christians.

  • Examine our conscience regularly and confess our sins of greed.

  • Practice almsgiving and generosity, such as donating money or goods to the needy, volunteering for a good cause, or helping a friend in trouble.

  • Avoid being attached to material things or seeking worldly pleasures.

  • Be thankful for God's gifts and blessings, and acknowledge him as the source of everything.

  • Be happy for others' success and prosperity, and avoid jealousy or envy.

  • Be honest and fair in our dealings with others, and respect their rights and property.

  • Use our time, talents, and resources for God's glory and the common good.

  • Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Lust and Chastity

Definition and examples of lust

Lust is an excessive desire for sexual pleasure. It is also called lechery or impurity. Lust makes us treat ourselves and others as objects of gratification rather than as persons with dignity and worth. Lust makes us impure, unfaithful, and disrespectful. Some examples of lust are: engaging in sexual acts outside of marriage or contrary to nature, viewing or reading pornographic materials, dressing or behaving immodestly or provocatively, entertaining impure thoughts or fantasies, or using contraception or abortion.

Definition and examples of chastity

Chastity is the virtue that enables us to control our sexual appetite according to reason and faith. It is also called purity or modesty. Chastity makes us respect ourselves and others as temples of the Holy Spirit and members of Christ's body. Chastity makes us pure, faithful, and respectful. Some examples of chastity are: living in celibacy or abstinence before marriage and in fidelity within marriage, avoiding or rejecting pornographic materials, dressing and behaving modestly and decently, guarding our senses and thoughts from impurity, or respecting the sanctity of life and the natural law.

How to practice chastity and overcome lust

To practice chastity and overcome lust, we can do the following:

  • Pray daily and ask God for the grace to be pure.

  • Read the Bible and meditate on the examples of chaste people, such as Joseph, Daniel, Susanna, John the Baptist, Mary Magdalene, and Mary the Mother of God.

  • Examine our conscience regularly and confess our sins of lust.

  • Practice fasting and self-discipline, such as avoiding occasions of sin, limiting our exposure to media or entertainment that can tempt us, or saying no to our passions.

  • Avoid being alone with someone of the opposite sex or engaging in physical intimacy that can lead to sin.

  • Seek the company and support of virtuous friends who can help us to stay pure.

  • Respect our own body and dignity, and treat others with honor and courtesy.

  • Follow the teachings of the Church and the moral law regarding sexuality and marriage.

  • Cultivate a devotion to the Holy Spirit, who is the source of purity, and to the Blessed Virgin Mary, who is the model of chastity.

  • Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Envy and Gratitude

Definition and examples of envy

Envy is a feeling of sadness or resentment at someone else's good fortune or success. It is also called jealousy or malice. Envy makes us unhappy with what we have and desire what others have. Envy makes us ungrateful, bitter, and spiteful. Some examples of envy are: being unhappy or angry when someone else gets a promotion, a compliment, or a gift; wishing ill or harm on someone else; spreading gossip or slander about someone else; being competitive or rivalrous with someone else; or feeling inferior or superior to someone else.

Definition and examples of gratitude

Gratitude is a feeling of appreciation or thankfulness for what we have or receive. It is also called contentment or joy. Gratitude makes us happy with what we have and rejoice in what others have. Gratitude makes us grateful, cheerful, and generous. Some examples of gratitude are: being happy or congratulatory when someone else gets a promotion, a compliment, or a gift; wishing well or good on someone else; speaking well or praising someone else; being cooperative or supportive with someone else; or feeling humble or equal to someone else.

How to practice gratitude and overcome envy

To practice gratitude and overcome envy, we can do the following:

  • Pray daily and ask God for the grace to be grateful.

  • Read the Bible and meditate on the examples of grateful people, such as Abraham, Hannah, David, Naaman, Zacchaeus, and Paul.

  • Examine our conscience regularly and confess our sins of envy.

  • Practice giving thanks and praise to God for everything he has given us, especially his Son Jesus Christ.

  • Avoid comparing ourselves with others or coveting what they have.

  • Be happy for others' achievements and prosperity, and avoid jealousy or envy.

  • Show appreciation and kindness to others for what they do or give us.

  • Share our gifts and blessings with others who are in need.

  • Cultivate a spirit of detachment from worldly goods and a spirit of trust in God's providence.

  • Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Gluttony and Temperance

Definition and examples of gluttony

Gluttony is an excessive desire for food or drink. It is also called overindulgence or intemperance. Gluttony makes us consume more than we need or what is good for us. Gluttony makes us wasteful, unhealthy, and insensitive. Some examples of gluttony are: eating or drinking too much or too fast, being picky or fussy about food or drink, wasting food or drink, eating or drinking for pleasure rather than for nourishment, being addicted to food or drink, or neglecting our spiritual needs for our bodily needs.

Definition and examples of temperance

Temperance is the virtue that enables us to moderate our appetite for food and drink. It is also called self-control or sobriety. Temperance makes us consume what we need and what is good for us. Temperance makes us prudent, healthy, and sensitive. Some examples of temperance are: eating or drinking moderately and slowly, being flexible and grateful for food or drink, avoiding waste and sharing with others, eating or drinking for nourishment rather than for pleasure, being free from addiction to food or drink, or balancing our spiritual and bodily needs.

How to practice temperance and overcome gluttony

To practice temperance and overcome gluttony, we can do the following:

  • Pray daily and ask God for the grace to be temperate.

  • Read the Bible and meditate on the examples of temperate people, such as Daniel, Esther, John the Baptist, Jesus himself, and the apostles.

  • Examine our conscience regularly and confess our sins of gluttony.

  • Practice fasting and abstinence, such as refraining from meat on Fridays, skipping a meal or a snack, or giving up a favorite food or drink.

  • Avoid eating or drinking too much or too fast, or being too choosy or demanding.

  • Be thankful for the food and drink that God provides us, and bless them before and after consuming them.

  • Be mindful of the needs of others who are hungry or thirsty, and share our food and drink with them.

  • Follow a healthy and balanced diet, and avoid substances that can harm our body or mind.

  • Cultivate a spirit of simplicity and detachment from worldly pleasures.

  • Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Wrath and Patience

Definition and examples of wrath

Wrath is an intense feeling of anger or hatred towards someone or something. It is also called rage or fury. Wrath makes us lose control of our emotions and act impulsively or violently. Wrath makes us aggressive, vengeful, and unforgiving. Some examples of wrath are: yelling or cursing at someone, hitting or hurting someone, holding a grudge or seeking revenge, being rude or sarcastic to someone, being intolerant or prejudiced towards someone, or disobeying God's law of love.

Definition and examples of patience

Patience is the virtue that enables us to endure difficulties or hardships with calmness and perseverance. It is also called forbearance or long-suffering. Patience makes us control our emotions and act rationally or peacefully. Patience makes us gentle, forgiving, and merciful. Some examples of patience are: listening or speaking calmly to someone, comforting or helping someone, letting go or forgiving someone, being polite or respectful to someone, being tolerant or understanding towards someone, or obeying God's law of love.

How to practice patience and overcome wrath

To practice patience and overcome wrath, we can do the following:

  • Pray daily and ask God for the grace to be patient.

  • Read the Bible and meditate on the examples of patient people, such as Job, Moses, Joseph, Jesus himself, and Stephen.

  • Examine our conscience regularly and confess our sins of wrath.

  • Practice breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, such as counting to ten, taking deep breaths, or praying a short prayer.

  • Avoid reacting impulsively or violently, or being too harsh or critical.

  • Be empathetic and compassionate to others, and try to understand their feelings and perspectives.

  • Show kindness and mercy to others, and forgive them as God forgives us.

  • Follow the golden rule of treating others as we would like to be treated.

  • Cultivate a spirit of peace and harmony with ourselves and others.

  • Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves.

Sloth and Diligence

Definition and examples of sloth

Sloth is a lack of interest or effort in doing what is good or necessary. It is also called laziness or indolence. Sloth makes us neglect our duties and responsibilities, both spiritual and temporal. Sloth makes us idle, careless, and irresponsible. Some examples of sloth are: sleeping or resting too much or too often, procrastinating or postponing our work or tasks, wasting time or doing unproductive activities, being indifferent or apathetic to God or others, being slow or sluggish in our actions, or failing to use our talents or gifts for God's glory.

Definition and examples of diligence

Diligence is the virtue that enables us to do what is good or necessary with care and enthusiasm. It is also called zeal or industriousness. Diligence makes us fulfill our duties and responsibilities, both spiritual and temporal. Diligence makes us active, careful, and responsible. Some examples of diligence are: waking up or getting up early or on time, planning or organizing our work or tasks, using time wisely or doing productive activities, being attentive or devoted to God or others, being quick or prompt in our actions , or using our talents or gifts for God's glory.

How to practice diligence and overcome sloth

To practice diligence and overcome sloth, we can do the following:

  • Pray daily and ask God for the grace to be diligent.

  • Read the Bible and meditate on the examples of diligent people, such as Noah, Joshua, Ruth, Nehemiah, Mary, and Martha.

  • Examine our conscience regularly and confess our sins of sloth.

  • Practice self-motivation and self-discipline, such as setting goals, making schedules, or rewarding ourselves.

  • Avoid sleeping or resting too much or too often, or being too comfortable or cozy.

  • Be enthusiastic and passionate about our work or tasks, and see them as opportunities to serve God and others.

  • Be attentive and responsive to God's call and guidance, and seek his will in everything we do.

  • Follow the example of Jesus, who said, "My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work" (John 4:34).

  • Cultivate a spirit of joy and gratitude for the gift of life and the gift of work.

  • Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love our neighbor as ourselves.


Summary of the main points

In conclusion, the seven deadly sins are pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth. They are vices that can cause spiritual death and eternal separation from God. They also harm our lives and relationships, making us unhappy and unfulfilled. However, we can overcome them by practicing the opposite virtues: humility, charity, chastity, gratitude, temperance, patience, and diligence. These are good habits that help us to live a moral life and to grow in holiness. They also improve our lives and relationships, making us happy and fulfilled.

Call to action for the readers

Therefore, let us strive to avoid the seven deadly sins and to practice the seven virtues. Let us ask God for his grace and mercy to help us in this journey. Let us also seek the intercession of the saints who have fought against these vices and have attained these virtues. Let us remember that we are not alone in this struggle. We have a loving Father who wants us to be with him in heaven. We have a Savior who died for us on the cross to free us from sin. We have a Spirit who guides us and strengthens us in our weakness. And we have a Church who supports us and teaches us the way of truth. Let us not be afraid or discouraged. Let us be faithful and hopeful. Let us be holy as he is holy.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about the seven deadly sins and the seven virtues:

  • What is the difference between a sin and a vice?A sin is an act that goes against God's law or will. A vice is a habit or tendency that inclines us to sin. The seven deadly sins are also called vices because they lead to other sins.

  • What is the difference between a virtue and a grace?A virtue is a habit or disposition that enables us to do good. A grace is a gift or help that God gives us to do good. We need both virtue and grace to live a moral life.

  • What are the sources of the seven deadly sins?The sources of the seven deadly sins are the devil, the world, and the flesh. The devil tempts us to sin by lying to us or deceiving us. The world tempts us to sin by offering us false values or pleasures. The flesh tempts us to sin by appealing to our fallen nature or passions.

  • What are the consequences of the seven deadly sins?The consequences of the seven deadly sins are both temporal and eternal. Temporal consequences are those that affect our life on earth, such as suffering, illness, conflict, or loss. Eternal consequences are those that affect our life after death, such as hell or purgatory.

  • What are the benefits of the seven virtues?The benefits of the seven virtues are both temporal and eternal. Temporal benefits are those that improve our life on earth, such as happiness, health, peace, or gain. Eternal benefits are those that enhance our life after death, such as heaven or glory.


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