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How to Achieve True Abundance in All Aspects of Life - Download the PDF Book by Deepak Chopra


Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth by Deepak Chopra - A Book Review

Do you want to live a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment? Do you want to overcome your fears, insecurities, and limitations? Do you want to learn how to use your inner power and creativity to manifest your dreams? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might want to read Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth by Deepak Chopra.

What is the book about?

Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth is a book that offers a new way of releasing you from a life of lack and scarcity. By using its meditation techniques, you can transform your life from one dogged by limitations into one where you want for nothing. The book is based on the ancient teachings and spiritual practices of Yoga, which aim to unite your inner and outer worlds. The author shows how to work with your seven chakras, or energy centers, to access your creative intelligence, intuition, authenticity, healing, power, desire, and security. By aligning your chakras with your true purpose, or dharma, you can experience abundance in all aspects of your life.

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The book is divided into two parts. The first part explains the concept of abundance and how it differs from money or material possessions. It also introduces the seven chakras and their role in creating abundance. The second part provides a step-by-step guide on how to meditate on each chakra and activate its qualities. Each chapter includes a description of the chakra, its benefits, its challenges, its affirmations, its mantras, its mudras, its colors, its sounds, its elements, its symbols, its deities, its archetypes, its crystals, its essential oils, and its exercises. The book also includes a glossary of terms and a list of resources for further learning.

Who is the author?

Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned pioneer in integrative medicine and personal transformation. He is the founder and chairman of The Chopra Foundation and co-founder of The Chopra Center for Wellbeing. He is also a clinical professor of family medicine and public health at the University of California, San Diego, and a senior scientist with Gallup Organization. He has written more than ninety books translated into over forty-three languages, including multiple New York Times bestsellers. Time magazine has described him as "one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century."

What are the key takeaways from the book?

Here are some of the main points and lessons from each chapter:

Chapter 1: Abundance Is Your Birthright

  • Abundance is not about money or material possessions. It is about feeling fulfilled, whole, and happy in every aspect of your life.

  • Abundance is not something you have to earn or deserve. It is your natural state of being.

Abundance is not something you have to chase or compete for. It is something you have to allow and receive.Here are some of the main points and lessons from each chapter (continued):

Chapter 2: The First Chakra - Security

  • The first chakra, or the root chakra, is located at the base of your spine. It governs your sense of security, stability, survival, and belonging.

  • When your first chakra is balanced, you feel safe, grounded, supported, and connected to the earth and your body.

  • When your first chakra is imbalanced, you may experience fear, anxiety, insecurity, scarcity, greed, or hoarding.

  • To activate your first chakra, you can meditate on the color red, the sound LAM, the element earth, the symbol square, the deity Ganesha, the archetype Earth Mother, the crystal hematite, and the essential oil patchouli.

  • You can also practice gratitude, generosity, trust, and affirmations such as "I am safe", "I have enough", and "I belong".

Chapter 3: The Second Chakra - Desire

  • The second chakra, or the sacral chakra, is located below your navel. It governs your sense of desire, pleasure, creativity, sexuality, and emotions.

  • When your second chakra is balanced, you feel passionate, joyful, creative, sensual, and emotionally fluid.

  • When your second chakra is imbalanced, you may experience guilt, shame, addiction, repression, or attachment.

  • To activate your second chakra, you can meditate on the color orange, the sound VAM, the element water, the symbol crescent moon, the deity Lakshmi, the archetype Lover, the crystal carnelian, and the essential oil ylang-ylang.

  • You can also practice self-love, playfulness, sensuality, and affirmations such as "I am worthy", "I enjoy life", and "I create".

Chapter 4: The Third Chakra - Power

The third chakra, or the solar plexus chakra, is located above your navel. It governs your sense of power, will, confidence, and self-esteem.Here are some of the main points and lessons from each chapter (continued):

Chapter 4: The Third Chakra - Power

  • The third chakra, or the solar plexus chakra, is located above your navel. It governs your sense of power, will, confidence, and self-esteem.

  • When your third chakra is balanced, you feel empowered, assertive, decisive, and self-respecting.

  • When your third chakra is imbalanced, you may experience anger, aggression, control, or low self-worth.

  • To activate your third chakra, you can meditate on the color yellow, the sound RAM, the element fire, the symbol triangle, the deity Agni, the archetype Warrior, the crystal citrine, and the essential oil lemon.

  • You can also practice courage, integrity, responsibility, and affirmations such as "I am powerful", "I can do it", and "I respect myself".

Chapter 5: The Fourth Chakra - Love

  • The fourth chakra, or the heart chakra, is located at the center of your chest. It governs your sense of love, compassion, forgiveness, and harmony.

  • When your fourth chakra is balanced, you feel loving, kind, empathetic, and peaceful.

  • When your fourth chakra is imbalanced, you may experience grief, resentment, jealousy, or isolation.

  • To activate your fourth chakra, you can meditate on the color green, the sound YAM, the element air, the symbol hexagram, the deity Vishnu, the archetype Healer, the crystal rose quartz, and the essential oil rose.

  • You can also practice unconditional love, acceptance, gratitude, and affirmations such as "I am loved", "I forgive", and "I am at peace".

Chapter 6: The Fifth Chakra - Expression

The fifth chakra, or the throat chakra, is located at your throat. It governs your sense of expression, communication, creativity, and truth.Here are some of the main points and lessons from each chapter (continued):

Chapter 6: The Fifth Chakra - Expression

  • The fifth chakra, or the throat chakra, is located at your throat. It governs your sense of expression, communication, creativity, and truth.

  • When your fifth chakra is balanced, you feel expressive, honest, authentic, and inspired.

  • When your fifth chakra is imbalanced, you may experience silence, lies, fear, or criticism.

  • To activate your fifth chakra, you can meditate on the color blue, the sound HAM, the element ether, the symbol circle, the deity Saraswati, the archetype Artist, the crystal turquoise, and the essential oil lavender.

  • You can also practice speaking your truth, listening actively, singing, writing, and affirmations such as "I am expressive", "I am honest", and "I am creative".

Chapter 7: The Sixth Chakra - Intuition

  • The sixth chakra, or the third eye chakra, is located between your eyebrows. It governs your sense of intuition, insight, vision, and wisdom.

  • When your sixth chakra is balanced, you feel intuitive, clear, focused, and aware.

  • When your sixth chakra is imbalanced, you may experience confusion, doubt, illusion, or delusion.

  • To activate your sixth chakra, you can meditate on the color indigo, the sound OM, the element light, the symbol lotus flower, the deity Shiva, the archetype Sage, the crystal amethyst, and the essential oil frankincense.

  • You can also practice visualization, meditation, dreaming, reading, and affirmations such as "I am intuitive", "I am clear", and "I am wise".

Chapter 8: The Seventh Chakra - Wholeness

The seventh chakra, or the crown chakra, is located at the top of your head. It governs your sense of wholeness, connection, spirituality, and enlightenment.Here are some of the main points and lessons from each chapter (continued):

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Chapter 8: The Seventh Chakra - Wholeness

  • The seventh chakra, or the crown chakra, is located at the top of your head. It governs your sense of wholeness, connection, spirituality, and enlightenment.

  • When your seventh chakra is balanced, you feel blissful, unified, transcendent, and divine.

  • When your seventh chakra is imbalanced, you may experience isolation, alienation, detachment, or egoism.

  • To activate your seventh chakra, you can meditate on the color violet, the sound silence, the element thought, the symbol thousand-petaled lotus, the deity Brahman, the archetype Guru, the crystal clear quartz, and the essential oil jasmine.

  • You can also practice prayer, devotion, service, surrender, and affirmations such as "I am whole", "I am connected", and "I am enlightened".

How can you apply the book to your life?

If you want to apply the book to your life, you can start by reading it with an open mind and a curious heart. You can also try to practice the meditation techniques and exercises suggested in each chapter. You can use a journal to record your insights, feelings, and experiences. You can also share your thoughts and questions with others who are interested in the topic. You can also look for opportunities to apply the principles of abundance in your daily life. For example, you can:

  • Express gratitude for what you have and what you receive.

  • Give generously to others without expecting anything in return.

  • Trust that the universe will provide for your needs and desires.

  • Follow your passion and purpose with enthusiasm and joy.

  • Empower yourself and others with confidence and respect.

  • Love yourself and others unconditionally and compassionately.

  • Speak your truth and listen to others with honesty and authenticity.

  • Use your intuition and wisdom to guide your decisions and actions.

  • Connect with your higher self and the source of all creation.

What are some pros and cons of the book?

The book has many pros and cons that may appeal to different readers. Here are some of them:


The book is inspiring, uplifting, and empowering.The book is sometimes vague, repetitive, or simplistic.

The book is based on ancient wisdom and modern science.The book is not very original or innovative.

The book is practical, accessible, and easy to follow.The book is not very deep, challenging, or critical.The book has many pros and cons that may appeal to different readers. Here are some of them (continued):


The book is full of examples, stories, and anecdotes.The book is sometimes too personal, subjective, or anecdotal.

The book is comprehensive, covering all aspects of abundance.The book is sometimes too broad, general, or superficial.

The book is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their life.The book is not very specific, tailored, or relevant to different situations.

Who should read this book?

This book is ideal for anyone who wants to learn how to create a life of abundance in times of fear and insecurity. It is especially helpful for those who are feeling stuck, frustrated, or dissatisfied with their current circumstances. It is also useful for those who are interested in the topics of Yoga, meditation, chakras, and spirituality. The book can help you to:

  • Discover your true purpose and potential.

  • Overcome your limiting beliefs and negative emotions.

  • Attract more opportunities and resources into your life.

  • Enhance your health, happiness, and well-being.

  • Connect with your inner wisdom and guidance.

  • Experience more joy, love, and peace in your relationships.

  • Express your creativity and talents in the world.

  • Achieve your goals and dreams with ease and grace.

  • Live in harmony with yourself, others, and the universe.


Abundance: The Inner Path to Wealth by Deepak Chopra is a book that teaches you how to use the power of your mind and spirit to create a life of abundance in all aspects. By following the meditation techniques and exercises in the book, you can align your seven chakras with your true purpose and tap into your creative intelligence. You can also learn how to overcome your fears, insecurities, and limitations and embrace a mindset of gratitude, generosity, and trust. You can also discover how to enjoy more pleasure, passion, power, love, expression, intuition, and wholeness in your life. If you are looking for a practical and inspiring guide to success, fulfillment, wholeness, and plenty, you might want to read this book.


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the book:

Q: Where can I get the book?

  • A: You can get the book from various online platforms such as Amazon or Barnes & Noble. You can also check your local library or bookstore for availability.

Q: How long does it take to read the book?

  • A: The book has 256 pages and can be read in about four hours. However, you may want to take more time to practice the meditation techniques and exercises in each chapter.

Q: Is the book based on any scientific evidence?

A: The book is based on both ancient wisdom and modern science. The author cites various studies and researches that support his claims and arguments. He also draws from his own experience as a physician and a spiritual teacher.Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the book (continued):

Q: What are some other books by the author?

  • A: The author has written many other books on various topics such as health, happiness, spirituality, and success. Some of his popular books are The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, The Book of Secrets, The Healing Self, and Metahuman.

Q: How can I learn more about the author and his work?

  • A: You can visit his official website at, where you can find more information about his books, events, courses, podcasts, and blogs. You can also follow him on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

I hope you enjoyed this article and found it useful. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them below. Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day! 44f88ac181


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